ADvent Series 2024
Every December we speak to the time of Advent as we walk towards the celebration of the birth of Christ on Christmas Day. This year’s advent series unpacks the miracle of the virgin birth and it’s implications for the Gospel.
January 6 is the Feast of Epiphany. An epiphany is a manifestation of glory. The Feast of Epiphany and the days after are dedicated to celebrating the moments in Jesus’ life when his glory is suddenly revealed. Listen as Dave speaks the life changing glory of Christ and the necessity of Epiphany.
If God is for us, who can be against us? What do you say to this? Listen to Dave preach the last sermon of 2024 as we pause to reflect and respond to God upon this question and the miracle of the virgin birth.
Mary was a normal person with normal desires and wants. Then one day the angel Gabriel appeared to her and was told she would give birth to the son of God. Mary, in spite of her fear, rose up to this calling. Listen as Dave unpacks this incredible expression of faith.
What is the significance of the virgin birth? Is God communicating more than just an announcement? Listen to Dave speak to these questions.
This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent. We’ll take the Sunday’s leading up to Christmas to celebrate Advent. In Genesis, the Lord promised Abraham and Sarai a child. Sarai, of very old age and barren, laughed at the promise. Hear Dave speak to this story and how it connects to the virgin birth of Jesus.