Citizens Communities
to Mar 26

Citizens Communities

Citizens Communities are groups of 6 to 15 individuals who commit to living as family, servants, and missionaries. Each Citizens Community meets on a recurring weekday evening for discussion and prayer.

Citizens Communities follow a typical school year—August through May, with a break in December. In a city where many are looking for meaningful connection, Citizens Communities offer a space to experience embodied presence and relationship.

If you are interested in joining a Citizens Community, please fill out this form.

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Citizens Communities
to Apr 2

Citizens Communities

Citizens Communities are groups of 6 to 15 individuals who commit to living as family, servants, and missionaries. Each Citizens Community meets on a recurring weekday evening. These meetings alternate between larger family meals with discussion and smaller “Huddles,” where men and women meet separately for deeper connection, study, and prayer. Regardless, there is only one meeting per week.

Citizens Communities follow a typical school year—August through May, with a break in December. In a city where many are looking for meaningful connection, Citizens Communities offer a space to experience embodied presence and relationship.

If you are interested in joining a Citizens Community, please fill out this form.

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Citizens Communities
to Apr 9

Citizens Communities

Citizens Communities are groups of 6 to 15 individuals who commit to living as family, servants, and missionaries. Each Citizens Community meets on a recurring weekday evening for discussion and prayer.

Citizens Communities follow a typical school year—August through May, with a break in December. In a city where many are looking for meaningful connection, Citizens Communities offer a space to experience embodied presence and relationship.

If you are interested in joining a Citizens Community, please fill out this form.

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Church-wide Monthly Dinner & Prayer
6:00 PM18:00

Church-wide Monthly Dinner & Prayer

One Wednesday per month, we’re gathering as a whole church for dinner, a devotional, and prayer together at our new church office from 6:00pm - 7:30pm. We’ll provide dinner and childcare. Please join us!

Our office is located above Green Apple bookstore at 1231 9th Avenue; the entrance is through the purple door to the left of the Green Apple bookstore entrance.

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Citizens Communities
to Apr 16

Citizens Communities

Citizens Communities are groups of 6 to 15 individuals who commit to living as family, servants, and missionaries. Each Citizens Community meets on a recurring weekday evening for discussion and prayer.

Citizens Communities follow a typical school year—August through May, with a break in December. In a city where many are looking for meaningful connection, Citizens Communities offer a space to experience embodied presence and relationship.

If you are interested in joining a Citizens Community, please fill out this form.

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Easter Sunday!
10:00 AM10:00

Easter Sunday!

Easter Sunday is the most important day of the Christian calendar, when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Death has been defeated! Please join us as we celebrate this glorious event.


We gather for worship every Sunday at 10AM, at New Traditions Elementary School. You can learn more about where to park, what to expect, what your kids can expect, and all the rest here.

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Citizens Communities
to Apr 23

Citizens Communities

Citizens Communities are groups of 6 to 15 individuals who commit to living as family, servants, and missionaries. Each Citizens Community meets on a recurring weekday evening for discussion and prayer.

Citizens Communities follow a typical school year—August through May, with a break in December. In a city where many are looking for meaningful connection, Citizens Communities offer a space to experience embodied presence and relationship.

If you are interested in joining a Citizens Community, please fill out this form.

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Citizens Communities
to Apr 30

Citizens Communities

Citizens Communities are groups of 6 to 15 individuals who commit to living as family, servants, and missionaries. Each Citizens Community meets on a recurring weekday evening. These meetings alternate between larger family meals with discussion and smaller “Huddles,” where men and women meet separately for deeper connection, study, and prayer. Regardless, there is only one meeting per week.

Citizens Communities follow a typical school year—August through May, with a break in December. In a city where many are looking for meaningful connection, Citizens Communities offer a space to experience embodied presence and relationship.

If you are interested in joining a Citizens Community, please fill out this form.

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Sunday Gathering & Sunday Feast
10:00 AM10:00

Sunday Gathering & Sunday Feast

We gather for worship every Sunday at 10AM, at New Traditions Elementary School. You can learn more about where to park, what to expect, what your kids can expect, and all the rest here.

Also, on the fourth Sunday of every month, we eat lunch together after service. This month we’ll be feasting on the fifth Sunday. There are few better ways to be family and make friends than to share food. No need to bring anything -- we've got all the details covered.

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Citizens Communities
to Mar 19

Citizens Communities

Citizens Communities are groups of 6 to 15 individuals who commit to living as family, servants, and missionaries. Each Citizens Community meets on a recurring weekday evening. These meetings alternate between larger family meals with discussion and smaller “Huddles,” where men and women meet separately for deeper connection, study, and prayer. Regardless, there is only one meeting per week.

Citizens Communities follow a typical school year—August through May, with a break in December. In a city where many are looking for meaningful connection, Citizens Communities offer a space to experience embodied presence and relationship.

If you are interested in joining a Citizens Community, please fill out this form.

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Citizens Communities
to Mar 12

Citizens Communities

Citizens Communities are groups of 6 to 15 individuals who commit to living as family, servants, and missionaries. Each Citizens Community meets on a recurring weekday evening for discussion and prayer.

Citizens Communities follow a typical school year—August through May, with a break in December. In a city where many are looking for meaningful connection, Citizens Communities offer a space to experience embodied presence and relationship.

If you are interested in joining a Citizens Community, please fill out this form.

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Ash Wednesday: Dinner & Service
6:00 PM18:00

Ash Wednesday: Dinner & Service

On Ash Wednesday, March 5th, we'll be gathering at our Inner Sunset office for dinner from 6 to 7pm and a service from 7 to 8pm. Childcare will be provided for kids under 5.

Ash Wednesday starts the Lenten season, and is an important yearly liturgy as we move into preparation for Easter – please join us for this meaningful gathering! All Citizens Communities will be joining for this service, rather than having a regular meeting this week.

Please RSVP so that we'll have enough food, handouts, & childcare.

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Citizens Communities
to Feb 26

Citizens Communities

Citizens Communities are groups of 6 to 15 individuals who commit to living as family, servants, and missionaries. Each Citizens Community meets on a recurring weekday evening for discussion and prayer.

Citizens Communities follow a typical school year—August through May, with a break in December. In a city where many are looking for meaningful connection, Citizens Communities offer a space to experience embodied presence and relationship.

If you are interested in joining a Citizens Community, please fill out this form.

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Sunday Gathering & Sunday Feast
10:00 AM10:00

Sunday Gathering & Sunday Feast

We gather for worship every Sunday at 10AM, at New Traditions Elementary School. You can learn more about where to park, what to expect, what your kids can expect, and all the rest here.

Also, on the fourth Sunday of every month, we eat lunch together after service. There are few better ways to be family and make friends than to share food. No need to bring anything – we've got all the details covered.

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Citizens Communities
to Feb 19

Citizens Communities

Citizens Communities are groups of 6 to 15 individuals who commit to living as family, servants, and missionaries. Each Citizens Community meets on a recurring weekday evening for discussion and prayer.

Citizens Communities follow a typical school year—August through May, with a break in December. In a city where many are looking for meaningful connection, Citizens Communities offer a space to experience embodied presence and relationship.

If you are interested in joining a Citizens Community, please fill out this form.

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Church-wide Monthly Dinner & Prayer
6:00 PM18:00

Church-wide Monthly Dinner & Prayer

One Wednesday per month, we’re gathering as a whole church for dinner, a devotional, and prayer together at our new church office from 6:00pm - 7:30pm. We’ll provide dinner and childcare. Please join us!

Our office is located above Green Apple bookstore at 1231 9th Avenue; the entrance is through the purple door to the left of the Green Apple bookstore entrance.

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Citizens Communities
to Feb 12

Citizens Communities

Citizens Communities are groups of 6 to 15 individuals who commit to living as family, servants, and missionaries. Each Citizens Community meets on a recurring weekday evening. These meetings alternate between larger family meals with discussion and smaller “Huddles,” where men and women meet separately for deeper connection, study, and prayer. Regardless, there is only one meeting per week.

Citizens Communities follow a typical school year—August through May, with a break in December. In a city where many are looking for meaningful connection, Citizens Communities offer a space to experience embodied presence and relationship.

If you are interested in joining a Citizens Community, please fill out this form.

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Citizens Communities
to Feb 5

Citizens Communities

Citizens Communities are groups of 6 to 15 individuals who commit to living as family, servants, and missionaries. Each Citizens Community meets on a recurring weekday evening for discussion and prayer.

Citizens Communities follow a typical school year—August through May, with a break in December. In a city where many are looking for meaningful connection, Citizens Communities offer a space to experience embodied presence and relationship.

If you are interested in joining a Citizens Community, please fill out this form.

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Citizens Communities
to Jan 29

Citizens Communities

Citizens Communities are groups of 6 to 15 individuals who commit to living as family, servants, and missionaries. Each Citizens Community meets on a recurring weekday evening. These meetings alternate between larger family meals with discussion and smaller “Huddles,” where men and women meet separately for deeper connection, study, and prayer. Regardless, there is only one meeting per week.

Citizens Communities follow a typical school year—August through May, with a break in December. In a city where many are looking for meaningful connection, Citizens Communities offer a space to experience embodied presence and relationship.

If you are interested in joining a Citizens Community, please fill out this form.

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Sunday Gathering & Sunday Feast
10:00 AM10:00

Sunday Gathering & Sunday Feast

We gather for worship every Sunday at 10AM, at New Traditions Elementary School. You can learn more about where to park, what to expect, what your kids can expect, and all the rest here.

Also, on the fourth Sunday of every month, we eat lunch together after service. This month we’ll be feasting on the fifth Sunday. There are few better ways to be family and make friends than to share food. No need to bring anything -- we've got all the details covered.

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Citizens Communities
to Jan 22

Citizens Communities

Citizens Communities are groups of 6 to 15 individuals who commit to living as family, servants, and missionaries. Each Citizens Community meets on a recurring weekday evening for discussion and prayer.

Citizens Communities follow a typical school year—August through May, with a break in December. In a city where many are looking for meaningful connection, Citizens Communities offer a space to experience embodied presence and relationship.

If you are interested in joining a Citizens Community, please fill out this form.

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Church-wide Monthly Dinner & Prayer
6:00 PM18:00

Church-wide Monthly Dinner & Prayer

One Wednesday per month, we’re gathering as a whole church for dinner, a devotional, and prayer together at our new church office from 6:00pm - 7:30pm. We’ll provide dinner and childcare. Please join us!

Our office is located above Green Apple bookstore at 1231 9th Avenue; the entrance is through the blue door to the left of the Green Apple bookstore entrance.

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Citizens Communities
to Jan 15

Citizens Communities

Citizens Communities are groups of 6 to 15 individuals who commit to living as family, servants, and missionaries. Each Citizens Community meets on a recurring weekday evening for discussion and prayer.

Citizens Communities follow a typical school year—August through May, with a break in December. In a city where many are looking for meaningful connection, Citizens Communities offer a space to experience embodied presence and relationship.

If you are interested in joining a Citizens Community, please fill out this form.

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Citizen's Office Open House
10:00 AM10:00

Citizen's Office Open House

For the first time ever in the 10 years of our church’s existence! It’s in a fantastic location in the Inner Sunset, at 9th and Irving, above Green Apple bookstore. We’ll be having an Open House for the office this Saturday morning, January 11th, from 10am to noon. Please mark your calendar, plan to join us, and feel free to bring your kids!

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Citizens Communities
to Jan 8

Citizens Communities

Citizens Communities are groups of 6 to 15 individuals who commit to living as family, servants, and missionaries. Each Citizens Community meets on a recurring weekday evening. These meetings alternate between larger family meals with discussion and smaller “Huddles,” where men and women meet separately for deeper connection, study, and prayer. Regardless, there is only one meeting per week.

Citizens Communities follow a typical school year—August through May, with a break in December. In a city where many are looking for meaningful connection, Citizens Communities offer a space to experience embodied presence and relationship.

If you are interested in joining a Citizens Community, please fill out this form.

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Citizens Communities
to Jan 1

Citizens Communities

Citizens Communities are groups of 6 to 15 individuals who commit to living as family, servants, and missionaries. Each Citizens Community meets on a recurring weekday evening for discussion and prayer.

Citizens Communities follow a typical school year—August through May, with a break in December. In a city where many are looking for meaningful connection, Citizens Communities offer a space to experience embodied presence and relationship.

If you are interested in joining a Citizens Community, please fill out this form.

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Sunday Gathering & Sunday Feast
10:00 AM10:00

Sunday Gathering & Sunday Feast

We'll be having a special Sunday morning service of Lessons & Carols on December 22nd, with a fuller band and lots of songs & scripture readings to celebrate the Advent & Christmas season! This has been a beautiful tradition the past 2 years, and we’re excited to continue it. We’ll also share a potluck lunch together, but feel free to come enjoy the feast even if you aren't bringing anything. Please join us for our special gathering on December 22nd, and even invite a friend!

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Citizens Communities
to Dec 18

Citizens Communities

Citizens Communities are groups of 6 to 15 individuals who commit to living as family, servants, and missionaries. Each Citizens Community meets on a recurring weekday evening. These meetings alternate between larger family meals with discussion and smaller “Huddles,” where men and women meet separately for deeper connection, study, and prayer. Regardless, there is only one meeting per week.

Citizens Communities follow a typical school year—August through May, with a break in December. In a city where many are looking for meaningful connection, Citizens Communities offer a space to experience embodied presence and relationship.

If you are interested in joining a Citizens Community, please fill out this form.

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