Freedom cannot be freedom in the negative sense - freedom from control, freedom from want, freedom from limitations. Freedom must also be a positive freedom; a freedom for something. Hear Dave unpack Paul’s words on freedom to the Galatians.
Read MoreIn our scripture today, Paul exhorts the Galatians to reject the idea that circumcision is required to follow Christ. Embracing circumcision would be, at it’s deepest level, rejecting faith and embracing the law as the means to following God. How is it that keeping and holding people to one law somehow obligates them to all the laws? Listen as Dave unpacks the answer to this question.
Read MoreGalatians chapter 4:21-5:1 is the capstone of Paul’s argument to the Galatians. Paul references the old testament in the event surrounding the birth of Ishmael and Isaac to prove his point. This text as a whole has proven difficult for modern theologians. Listen as Dave poses certain questions to better understand Paul’s position.
Read MoreIf someone were to follow you around for months, watching all that you do, who would they say you follow? We all follow someone, and we shape ourselves around who we follow. This week we take a break from Galatians to listen to Logan Greer, pastor of Hillside Church in Marin County, speak about Jesus calling his disciples to follow him.
Read MoreAs we continue in our series on Galatians in chapter 4, we find Paul perplexed at the Galatians for listening to false teachers, an issue relevant to every church across history and across the world. Hear Dave examine Paul’s words to the Galatians regarding false teachers.
Read MoreThe Galatians lived in a world of spirituality, where behind actions, nature, weather and more were all tied to a spiritual realm that they were consciously apart of. In spite of accepting the gospel, there were turning back to their previous beliefs, away from God. Paul is deeply upset. Listen as Dave unpacks what truth Paul speaks to the Galatians to address urge them back to the gospel.
Read MoreThroughout Galatians, slavery is Paul’s description for all religions outside the gospel, including OT testament law and therefore cannot be the destiny for humanity. Hear Dave speak to Paul’s words about the law and it’s relationship to the gospel.
Read MoreWhat is the relationship between faith and our nationality, ethnicity, and culture? Paul explicitly speaks to the Galatians about this question as they were being told by men from Israel that circumcision was necessary for faith. Listen as Dave unpacks Paul’s answer to this important question.
Read MoreWhat is the purpose and effect of the law that God gave through the Old Testament? Paul has much to say about the law in his letter to the Galatians; listen as Dave unpacks Paul’s words.
Read MoreJanuary 6 is the Feast of Epiphany. An epiphany is a manifestation of glory. The Feast of Epiphany and the days after are dedicated to celebrating the moments in Jesus’ life when his glory is suddenly revealed. Listen as Dave speaks the life changing glory of Christ and the necessity of Epiphany.
If God is for us, who can be against us? What do you say to this? Listen to Dave preach the last sermon of 2024 as we pause to reflect and respond to God upon this question and the miracle of the virgin birth.
Read MoreMary was a normal person with normal desires and wants. Then one day the angel Gabriel appeared to her and was told she would give birth to the son of God. Mary, in spite of her fear, rose up to this calling. Listen as Dave unpacks this incredible expression of faith.
Read MoreWhat is the significance of the virgin birth? Is God communicating more than just an announcement? Listen to Dave speak to these questions.
Read MoreThis Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent. We’ll take the Sunday’s leading up to Christmas to celebrate Advent. In Genesis, the Lord promised Abraham and Sarai a child. Sarai, of very old age and barren, laughed at the promise. Hear Dave speak to this story and how it connects to the virgin birth of Jesus.
Read MoreThroughout history, people have fought to amend and change the terms of covenants they've made. There is something deeply wrong about making a promise and then breaking it or ignoring it. If this is true in covenants between people, how much more is it true in covenants with God? Hear Dave preach about Paul's words to the Galatians regarding this.
Read More“For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse,” Paul writes to the Galatians. Listen to Georgia as she unpacks Paul’s words to the Galatians.
Read MoreNovember is national adoption month. Listen as Dave preaches from the book of James about adoption, fostering and faith.
Read MoreAbraham was counted as righteous by his faith. Listen as Dave unpacks the vital importance of this point that Paul is making to the Galatians.
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