Rhythms at Citizens
“The best gift God could give you is Spirit-infused practices that will reform and retrain your loves. And so he meets us where we are, with counterformative practices, with hunger-shaping rituals and love-shaping liturgies.”
Humans are both created for worship and creatures of habit. That means that everything we do is "liturgical" -- a habit of worship that has the power to shape what we love. We are commanded to love God and others, but our world is constantly forming our hearts in the opposite direction -- with our social media feeds, 24/7 news-cycles, 2-day shipping, and more. The Economist once referred to such modern amenities as "golden handcuffs."
Jesus came to set us free. He has declared us to be his family, his missionaries, and his servants. If we are saved by grace through faith, we are the church by grace through faith. No need to apply; just show up.
And yet our souls must still be remade and reshaped into what God has called us to be. We can't just read a book or craft a vision statement. We must become disciples of Jesus, devoted to "counter liturgies--embodied, communal practices that are 'loaded' with the gospel and indexed to God and his kingdom." (James K. A. Smith, You Are What You Love). Only then will our faith be sustained until the end of life.
To that end, Citizens has committed itself to two sets of rhythms: Sunday Gatherings and Citizens Communities.
Sunday Gatherings
"The church's worship is the heart of discipleship. Yes, Christian formation is a life-encompassing, Monday through Saturday, week in and week out project; but it radiates from, and is nourished by, the worship life of the congregation gathered around Word and Table." (Smith)
Citizens is committed to gathering together for worship regularly. Corporate worship is vital for Christian faith in San Francisco. Every week, we are invited to pause our busy lives and remember that what we most need and want has already been accomplished by Jesus Christ. Because of Jesus, we are forgiven, washed clean, accepted, approved, beloved, dignified, secure.
In song, we remember that God is holy, that we are sinners, but Christ is our Savior. Through God's Word, we are called again to repentance and faith. We receive the Bread and Wine at the Lord's Table, tasting our hope in Christ. We give what we have to the poor, remembering that Christ gave all for us. We witness baptisms, remembering that we too were once dead in our trespasses, but have been raised to new life. In celebration, we feast together. All this is done alongside people who should be strangers--Greek, Jew, barbarian, poor, rich, man, woman--but who are now brothers and sisters. And then, we are collectively sent. Sundays are not an end-in-themselves, but both the fuel and fruit of life together as family, missionary, and servant.
You can find more information about Sunday gatherings here, and take a look at our past sermon series’ here.
"The Christian community demonstrates the effectiveness of the gospel. We are the living proof that the gospel is not an empty word but a powerful word that takes men and women who are lovers of self and transforms them by grace through the Spirit into people who love God and others. We are the living proof that the death of Jesus was not just a vain expression of God's love but an effective death that achieved the salvation of a people who now love one another sincerely from a pure heart." (Chester and Timmis, Everyday Church)
Jesus invites us to live life in a community where we are known, loved, and empowered to extend the love of God to those around us. That’s why we invite everyone in our church to engage in a Citizens Community. Maintaining Christian faith in San Francisco requires more than just a couple hours on a Sunday.
Citizens Communities are groups of 6 to 15 individuals who commit to living as family, servants, and missionaries. As family, we love one another; as servants, we serve the needs of those inside and outside our community; and as missionaries, we help one another embody the good news of Jesus to those around us all week long.
Each Citizens Community meets on a recurring weekday evening. These meetings alternate between larger family meals with discussion and smaller “Huddles,” where men and women meet separately for deeper connection, study, and prayer. Regardless, there is only one meeting per week. Citizens Communities follow a typical school year—September through May, with a break in December. In a city where many are looking for meaningful connection, Citizens Communities offer a space to experience embodied presence and relationship.
If you are interested in joining a Citizens Community, learn more and sign up here.
So, of all the churches in San Francisco, might Citizens Church be your home?
If you're prayerfully considering whether Citizens might be your church home, first of all, thank you! We are humbled that you would set our small community alongside the many other faithful churches in San Francisco. Second, God-speed! We believe that choosing a church is more than simply making room on your busy calendar. It's a commitment of love, relationship, energy, risk, and resources. So, how can you know whether this is the commitment God is asking you to make?
Reading through our website is definitely a start, but nothing replaces person-to-person interactions. Please visit us on Sundays. Grab lunch with a leader. Contact us. Arrange coffee with a member you meet on Sundays. These personal interactions will confirm whether God is calling you to join Citizens. We can't wait!