Citizens Vision
These sermons unpack the vision and values that Citizens is striving for as we seek to be like Christ among our family, friends, and the city of San Francisco.
2024 appears it will be a year marked by conflict culturally and globally. The presidential election, climate change, wars around the globe, and so forth. How can we as Christians remain grounded in our faith amidst all that is going on around us? Listen to Dave as he preaches on what Jesus says about building a foundation.
In our current culture, we are flooded with information, facts, and data about ourselves and the world we live in. We need an expert or a guide to make meaning of this flood. Listen to our guest speaker, Troy Tisthammer from InterVarsity, speak about Jesus as our guide.
For many of us, the practice of Sabbath is difficult and counter to the work culture we are a part of. Listen to Adam as he speaks to the importance of Sabbath and how essential it is to the Christian faith.
In Rob's last sermon before moving to Kentucky, he encourages Citizens to know God through loving others. It is not enough in San Francisco to know about God. We must know him, and we know him when we obey his commandment to love one another.
The church is a people who witness, sharing the love of Christ with others through their words and deeds. But this will not easy. In John 15, Jesus tells his disciples they will be hated, but he will send a Helper. Listen as CJ preaches on both the challenge and promise of our call to witness.
Jesus told his disciples, "Abide in me and you will be much fruit." That’s a promise. The church, if it makes its home with Jesus, is a people who grow. The beauty of the gospel growth is that growth is not primarily about my resolve to be obedience, but about God's resolve to save. Listen as Dave encourages Citizens from 2 Peter with the promise of growth.
Investing in Christ’s eternal kingdom is the only way to secure a satisfying future. From the very beginning, God designed people to be people of faith--people who lived not by sight, but by faith in a future hope. The people of God are a people who give out of faith. Listen as C.J. walks through the biblical principal of tithing, and explains why generosity is the way of wise flourishing.