When we engage in good, godly work--like the Israelites were doing when they rebuilt the temple--we're tempted to believe that such work either proves we're holy or makes us holy. But Haggai 2 reminds us that our works don't make us holy. Only God's grace can do that. Listen as C.J. encourages us with the promise of grace.
In Haggai 1, the prophet pointed out how the people of Israel had no good reason to hold off building the temple. In Haggai 2, the prophet probes deeper. What was their reasoning? Listen as C.J. explains how we, like Israel, delay faithfulness for fear of comparison and to avoid grief.
On Sunday, we began a two-month series through the Book of Haggai. When Haggai begins, it had been twenty years since God's people had returned from exile. Why, then, was the temple still in ruins? Haggai challenges us to look at our own priorities. Are we putting off what God has sent us to do? Are we putting off that which would make us truly satisfied? Is not life with God what God rescued us for?