Holy Week & Easter
Christ Died! Christ is Risen! Christ is Coming Again! The apostle's experience of that first Good Friday and Easter Sunday shapes his encouragement to the church in First Peter. The resurrection reversed the curse of death. Instead of everyone's story being "glory then suffering," life in Christ is now marked by “suffering then glory.” Listen as Dave unpacks the good news of the resurrection for the church today.
Every Easter, Christians celebrate the reality and significance of Jesus' death and resurrection. Paul tells us these twin truths are "of first importance," but what does that mean and how do we know when they've fallen behind? Dave looks to two descriptions of the disciples in Luke to help us understand: when they “doubted for joy” and “slept for sorrow.”
Holy Week is the most important time of the year for Christians and it begins with Palm Sunday. This is Jesus’ coronation day. Pastor James Westbrook of Realm Church Oakland reminds us that Jesus is a king like no other. What the culture expects and what he offers is not the same, but faith teaches us to accept his kingship as best.
There is a street-level mythology around Jesus and his Resurrection in San Francisco: that it was a late creation of Constantine, that Jesus never really died, that his disciples just wanted it to be true. C.J. tells us why Jesus’ bodily resurrection is the most reasonable explanation for the historical facts.
Easter Sunday is the most important day of the year for Christians celebrating the most important event of all time. In Chapter 24, Luke wants us to know three things: the Resurrection is true; it's important; and the disciples weren't expecting it.
On Palm Sunday, Jesus moves from a private ministry to a public one. He rides into Jersusalem on a donkey to unequivocally declare Himself the King of the whole world. But is He the kind of King the people are looking for? Is He the King we want?
Mary Magdalene said "I have seen the Lord". Will we believe her?
Do you come to the resurrection of Christ with armchair questions or wheelchair questions?