o antiphons
(november & december 2017)
In our sixth Advent sermon in Isaiah, Pastor Dave considers the Oracles to the Nations. Why are they important? The prophet is reminding us that, although we are vulnerable, God is King. And although we are sinners, God will redeem.
In our fifth Advent sermon, Pastor CJ explains why Jesus is called Dayspring. The one who is called Key not only unlocks our prisons. He also escorts us into the light. Light can glare at first, but it's the only place to flourish.
In our fourth Advent sermon, Pastor Dave preaches from Isaiah 22 about Jesus as the Key of David. We all yearn for the perfect Savior -- one person who can unlock our dreams, free us from prisons, and open our eyes. Jesus is that leader.
In our third Advent sermon, Pastor CJ reminds us that in Christ we have the promise of new life, abundant with the fruit of love, joy, peace, and all the rest. For that to come true, though, we need new roots.
In our second Advent sermon, Pastor Dave invites us to consider Christ's power. What is it like? What is it's aim? Can we trust it?
In the first of our Isaiah series, Dave preaches on the promise of a Savior who is wise. It seems obvious, but why is this good news?