Many in our culture shy away from leaning on their own personal experience, seeing it as unclear, unreliable, or skewed. Experiences can be unclear but not all experiences are unclear or unreliable. Our identity is so strongly shaped by our experiences. As we continue in Galatians, listen as Dave preaches Paul’s words to the Galatians, drawing upon their experience of the gospel.
Read MoreToday's guest preacher, Nick Parsons, continues our series in Galatians. Last week, Paul wrote to the Galatians about his rebuke of Peter. In our verses this week, Paul further explains his reason for Peter’s rebuke and the deep importance it carries.
Read MoreUp until this point in Galatians, Paul and Peter have been in full agreement, preaching the gospel to the gentiles. In this text, something happens at a meal and Peter separates himself for the gentiles. Paul calls him out on it. Listen as Dave dives into Paul’s words to Peter.
Read MoreHow does God direct believers to engage the poor? Listen as Dave unpacks Paul’s statement.
Read MoreGod shows no partiality. Among believers, we no longer regard each other according to our flesh. Believers are singularly defined by their belonging in Christ above anything else. Listen as Dave unpacks Paul’s words to the Galatians about this.
Read MoreHow do we discern between true and false gospels? Isn't it just one person's experience against another? Paul uses his own encounter of Christ on the road to Damascus to help the Galatians tell the difference. He shows how the true gospel doesn’t fit with human standards or thought. It is always pure grace.
Read MoreThe quick betrayal of the Galatians is a warning to us: we are prone to wander and vulnerable to deceit. The gospel isn't too good to be true. Hold fast, and receive the approval that we already have in Christ.
Read MoreThe letter to the Galatians revolves around intense cultural debate that is nuanced and multifaceted. The Galatians have veered from the true gospel and Paul writes to redirect them. The amount of context that Paul shares is unique to this letter and provides us with a lot more clarity as to what was happening. Listen as Dave unpacks Paul’s opening to the Galatians.
Read MoreThis fall we begin the sermon series on the book of Galatians. Listen as Dave sets the stage for the book of Galatians.
Read MoreUnity appears to be scarce in the world around us today in politics, culture, etc. Jesus prayed for unity for believers in John 17. Though not apparent as we might hope, Jesus' prayer is being answered. Hear Dave preach about unity today as Jesus prayed for it in John 17.
Read MoreJesus prayed to God that he would not take believers out of the world but that he would keep them from the evil one. The chief danger to Christians is Satan. Listen as Dave expounds on Jesus’ prayer.
Read MoreIn the high priestly prayer, Jesus prayers for big things for the future church. He prays for wonderful things that no believers could ever achieve on their own. The church needs God the Father to work to make Jesus’ prayer reality. What confidence can anyone have that Jesus’ prayer will be answered?
Read MoreWhat gets in the way of the disciples understanding of Jesus? What gets in the way of our understanding of Jesus? We need new eyes to see the truth of Jesus and the gospel. Hear Dave unpack Jesus’ words to his disciples about this.
Read MoreThere is much that God is accomplishing in the world right now. There is much that Jesus asks of those who follow him. Listen as Dave looks at Christ's words in John 16 and brings clarity to what the role of a Christian is in God’s work.
Read MoreJesus speaks to believers about the hatred that the world will have for them. Across the globe, millions of Christians face intense persecution. Listen as Dave speaks to the realities of the persecuted church.
Read MoreDo you think of Jesus as friend? Jesus says you are His friend if you do what He commands. Listen as Dave explains what it means for Jesus to call believers friends.
Read MoreFruit is the outcome of obedience to God. Jesus instructs believers to abide in him in order to bear fruit. Listen to guest preacher Courtney Ameli explain Jesus’ words.
Read MoreJesus declared to his disciples that whoever believes in him will do greater works than he did. How can this be possible, given that he is savior and Lord and those who believe are merely humans? Listen as Dave unpacks Jesus’ words.
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